Monday, April 7, 2014

Can't sleep, so I'll post

Image Source: A Pair of Pairs

Describes exactly how I feel!

A quick post to say, sorry for the hiatus and I'm trying to generate ideas for new posts! (You know, more ideas other than just "Here's what I'm eyeing to buy lately...")

My sleep schedule is off tonight, after a cat nap on the couch this afternoon... into the evening.

But actually, my body has been off for a few days now. Here's what happened:
- Week before last, I went to Miami, FL for work: Wednesday, March 26 through Friday, March 28.
- The following Monday, I went to Boston for one day! (March 31)
- On Wednesday, April 2, I flew to Austin, TX in the morning, spent the afternoon there, stayed up a wee bit late (to see my dear friend Caroline), and then flew back the very next morning on an 8 AM flight. Translation: I woke up at 5:30 AM, after only going to sleep at 1:00 AM.
- After a very rough flight that morning and cab ride, on Thursday, April 3, I was in the office in NYC by 2:00 PM.

Needless to say, I was exhausted. That afternoon, my entire body was incredibly sore - and I was so, so tired.

I went home that evening (why did I stay in the office so long!?) and climbed into bed. The only comfortable position was lying straight as a board. Then, I proceeded to have a horrible fever! I managed to break the fever in cold sweat, covering my side of the bed in sweat! Nick was so concerned! Who has fever these days as an adult?

I woke up the next morning feeling better - and decided to head into the office.

In the last stretch of my commute, as I climbed the stairs out of the subway next to Bryant Park, I realized, I wasn't doing so hot. My vision was going away out, my ears were clogged, and I couldn't stand up anymore - I was actually blacking out on my way to work?!

I immediately squatted down on the sidewalk and put my head between my legs - and NO ONE STOPPED TO HELP ME OR ASK ME IF I WAS OK! Stupid New Yorkers trying to get to work!

I got up and clutched the iron bars next to Bryant Park, trying to get keep myself up... 

...but I couldn't do it! I had to squat again! Finally, a kind woman (stranger) stopped and helped me to the stairs, where I sat until a coworker came to help me to the office.

After telling friends/coworkers what happened, it must have been the combination of low blood sugar (no food since 3:00 PM the previous afternoon), low blood pressure, and dehydration.

Lesson learned. Listen to your body.

Time for bed.

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