Sunday, February 23, 2014

Warming up from the inside

This weekend, it broke 50!!!!!! AND SUNNY!!! Hallelujah!!!!!!

A few weeks ago, on a particularly snowy and cold Saturday, I made some Mexican hot chocolate that my dear friend Kate got for me when she went to Mexico in December.

However, I discovered however that all the instructions are in Spanish! So I Googled for a recipe online, and of course the kitchn had one. That site is a great source for any recipe you can think of and in general very useful tips.

Also - How adorable and unique is the mug?! Kate also gave me it from Mexico (made in Mexico!). She said she likes sipping her coffee out of special mugs - and now I see what she means!

This one has become my favorite, and I use it every weekend now for my weekend coffee.

One last funny note: At dinner last night with some girl friends, they shared a funny meme that's going around the internet - but I couldn't find the image!

I made one quickly myself on someecards:

Haha! Hope you're having a nice weekend!


  1. LOVE it! Also great ecard - I didn't know you could make them??

    1. Yeah! go here:

      I didn't exactly save mine ... I just took a screenshot. Hahaha...
