Exercise has been a recurring New Years resolution for me every year since I was 16. Growing up, I never played any sports ("Does marching band count?"), so by the time I reached college, I didn't really know how to work out. Several kind-hearted friends were temporary work-out buddies for me throughout college - doing machines with me, weights, or even just running on the treadmill chatting next to me, but never lasting more than a couple of months.
In my mind, a panicked voice always said, "You must develop exercise habits in college! That's how they stay with you through life!" (quoting some study I had read somewhere...)
In my short adult life to date, I've made a little progress by buying (extremely expensive) personal training sessions. It's not enough to just have a gym membership because my will to go is just not there. I need someone telling me what to do and making me do it! Thanks Stibens! I almost feel kind of bad because he probably deserves to spend his time training real athletes vs. an immobile being without stamina like me!
I liken myself to a combination between Scarecrow + Tin Man (Wizard of Oz references) - Scarecrow because I have no strength, like being made from straw! And Tin Man because my muscles and joints are always so stiff/tight from sitting all day.
More after the jump...
The latest gym I'm apart of is a NY Sports Club very close to my apartment (across the street). Lately, I came to the realization that I hate going to it because it's cramped, smelly, gross, and just overall terrible. Welcome to NYC. And you get what you pay for in NYC. I might as well shell out for a better gym since I've shelled out for the trainer.
And speaking of shelling out for a better gym, I'd like to describe my one and only experience at Equinox which occured this week. Kind-hearted friend Cammy invited me to use one of her guest passes and attend a class with her at her Equinox gym, located near Union Square.
We were going to be attending Barre Burn: "A total body workout that slims your hips, tightens your thighs, lifts your seat, & mobilizes your metabolism. Utilizing ballet movements, intelligent isometrics, changes in rhythm, range of motion & progressive core training, your body heals, tightens, strengthens so you look, feel and move better."
I arrived at the Equinox grumpy and tired, after a slow, frustrating and paralyzing day at work. When I saw Cammy's friendly face at the gym, I immediately got a mood lift and started looking forward to the work out! And, after all, it had been a few weeks since I had exercised at all (I had been rain-checking sessions week after week with my trainer).
As we walked through the maze of the several floors that make up this massive gym (MASSIVE GYM), I was mesmerized watching all the FIT!!! and intense people around me working out. Like, not a single fat person trying to get into shape. Everyone was incredibly fit. And dressed well. And looked like they knew what they were doing.
And it was crowded, too. On the stretching mat, each person had sectioned out a tiiiny little space for themselves and were intently concentrated on themselves. Stretching. Foam rolling. Abs. etc. I was impressed by how little space there was in between each person - and absolutely no socializing or small talk. Just intense working out.
(I tried to find a picture of this online to show this but couldn't find one.)
We get to the classroom and hang out outside until the class before it ends. Once the doors opened, chicks in their '20s and '30s rushed in, elbowing each other, trying to get the materials (mat, dumbells, bar), and the best spot or their favorite spot in the room. (OK, exaggerating a little, but just a little.)
Then I got my butt kicked in class. For the next two days, my legs, arms, shoulders, abs, and butt have been sooo sore.
BUT.... I had a fantastic time. And I was completely distracted and focused - I didn't think about work a single time (except for that one moment where I realized I wasn't thinking about work). Sometimes when I train with a trainer, I'm still thinking about work. In a class setting, the instructor's voice is amplified over the speakers and there's pumping music to keep you pumped!!!
"This is exactly what I needed," I thought.
After class, Cammy then took me to another awesome new place for me in Koreatown: Woorijip, which apparently means "Our House" in Korean! I had a water bottle, seafood tofu soup, and buffet items of small samplings of yummy Korean food - all for less than $10.
Ahhh, my mouth is watering now just thinking about it!
Not my food but similar to what I got:
Yelp Photo added by: Genevieve C.
Yelp Photo added by: Elle L.
Anyways, to conclude, it was a great work-out and dinner! THANKS, CAMMY!
My Current Fragrance Roster.
5 hours ago
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